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350 gracias, con tres céntimos

El pasado viernes 18 de mayo de 2012 hemos entregado vuestras generosas aportaciones del Mercadillo Solidario de abril 2012 a Cruz Roja Luarca. Desde aquí os damos 350 gracias, con tres céntimos , que irán destinadas a ayudar a familias necesitadas en España.

Roald Dahl's Book of Ghost Stories

A spooky viewpoint by Mónica. Advanced level. Year 2

Deaf sentence

A review by Mercedes. Advanced level. Year 2

The Hobbit

Reviewed by Elena. Advanced level. Year 2

La Regenta

Remember our challenge? Here we have the most voted version and the other two shortlisted. Thank you very much to all the students who have made all the effort into such a difficult task.   The heroic city was couched in midday slumber. South wind, hot and sluggish, was smoothly blowing whitish clouds which seemed to be dissipating when rushing northwards. On the streets of the town the only thing heard  was a strident rustle of swirling whirls of dust, rags, straw and papers which were moving from brook to brook, from corner to corner, from one side of the street to another,    flitting and chasing each other like butterflies that flock together and fly away being carried by invisible airflows.                                                                                                                                     Mila, 1st year Advanced Level                                            

The Hobbit

The hobbit is the first novel written by Tolkien and settled in a world of fantasy that he later developed in his trilogy called The Lord of the Rings . We can certainly say that The Hobbit is a wonderful introduction to that masterpiece sequel, so it is recommended to start with the first one before reading the second one. This enchanting tale was made up for the author’s children in the 1930s, but once it was published, it achieved enormous success. The story tells the awesome adventure of the hobbit Bilbo Baggins and a group of dwarves. They were all called to an unexpected party at Bilbo’s by the wise wizard Gandalf. Bilbo lives in a comfortable hobbit-hole in the ground and as any other hobbit he likes quiet and food, while he dislikes adventures and has never gone beyond Brandivino River. But things change for Bilbo after the meeting, when he sets off as a burglar with fourteen dwarves and Gandalf’s help on the most amazing journey ever imagined: going to the distant Lo

Ghost stories

I like Roald Dahl’s books, when I was a child I read Momo, Matilda, Charlie and the chocolate factory,… One day I was looking at some English books when I found this one, at first I believed that it was a book of ghost stories written by Roald Dahl, but when I picked it up, I realized that it was Dahl who had selected these terror stories by different writers. Dahl read seventy hundred and forty-nine ghost stories at the British Museum Library before selecting twenty four with the purpose of making a television ghost series, but the pilot film was a disaster. Twenty five years later, he thought it was a good idea to put the better ones, fourteen amazing stories, together in a book. As he said the best ghost stories don’t have ghosts in them, at least you don’t have to see them. Instead of reading what happens to the ghost, you only read the result of their actions, occasionally the story describes how the main character can feel the ghost brushing past to him or her, or how t

Exposé sur "La jeune fille à la perle" par Dolores Suárez Díaz

Dolores Suárez Díaz a fait un exposé sur La jeune fille à la perle  de Johannes Vermeer. La Jeune Fille à la perle , appelée aussi La Jeune Fille au turban ou encore la «Joconde du Nord», est un œuvre de Johannes Vermeer peint vers 1665 , ( huile sur toile , 45 × 40 cm) qui est exposé au Mauritshuis de La Haye . L’auteur Johannes Vermeer (Delft, 1632-1675) est un peintre du baroque néerlandais considéré comme un peintre novateur par sa maîtrise particulière de la perspective et pour le traitement et l’emploi de la lumière. Vermeer applique la peinture en variant les épaisseurs pour faire vibrer la lumière sur les textures de façon tout à fait exceptionnelle.   Ses tableaux donnent le sentiment d'une profonde intimité, de sérénité, de silence, de temps suspendu. La peinture de Johannes Vermeer est considérée par les critiques comme un miracle de lumière, d'harmonie et de subtilité dans les tons et la composition. Il réalisa surtout

Exposé sur Giuseppe Arcimboldo par Mercedes Bazán Solera

Mercedes Bazán Solera a fait un exposé sur le peintre Giuseppe Arcimboldo. En 2007, elle a visité une exposition consacrée à ce peintre exceptionnel qui a eu lieu à Paris et elle a voulu rendre hommage à cet artiste contemporain de Leonardo Da Vinci. Giuseppe Arcimboldo est né à Milan en Italie vers 1527 et serait issu d’une famille de peintres.  Il commence à se faire connaître à 22 ans en travaillant avec son père, artisan peintre à la cathédrale de   Milan. Il réalise alors des cartons de vitraux. Il se fait remarquer par   Ferdinand de Bohème   qui lui commande cinq blasons pour la cathédrale. Sa renommée commence à s’étendre. Il est appelé à   Prague   en 1562 au service de   Ferdinand I er   du Saint-Empire   pour être le portraitiste de la famille impériale. C’est peu après son arrivée au service de Ferdinand I er   que Giuseppe Arcimboldo commence la première série des quatre saisons, et laisse éclater un style pictural surprenant: les « têtes

Book versus film: Blindness and Blindly

I have recently read a novel titled “Seeing” written by Jose Saramago, Nobel Prize winner in Literature in 1998. This book reminded me of a film I had seen regarding the first novel written about the same subject. As far as the novel is concerned, it was written in 1995 and Saramago titled it “Blindness”, although, the title in Spanish was “Essay about blindness”. This caused a strong controversy among intellectuals about whether the writing was an essay or a novel. In any case, I had just finished the sequel. As I was saying, I had the opportunity to watch “Blindly”, the movie I have mentioned. After all, the novel is thought provoking, it raises many interesting questions about human behaviour in critical situations. Although It’s difficult to predict what the end could be, everybody knows it won’t be happy. Clearly, It’s  a well-written book but so depressing, It can made you lose the trust in the human being. Basically, the writer destroys all kind of values and

The secret diary of Adrian Mole

I have chosen The Secret diary of Adrian Mole to read along the third term from my language school. Adrian Albert Mole is the fictional protagonist in a series of books by English author Sue Townsend . He is a British boy. He is 13 years old and he lives with his mother, his father and an animal known only as ‘the dog’. Adrian Mole writes his secret diary, which has gone on for a year and a quarter. He lives in a closed world where he tries to ‘become an intellectual’, reading  the classics and he would like a whizz future although he is worried about his parents and his blackheads. To sum up, in his diary he tells about his relationships with his parents, friends, the girl he loves, Pandora and his grandmother. All the stories have a funny and a tender perspective. It’s my belief that this book reminds me of the Wimpy kids series although it´s a realistic and humorous approach to the life of an adolescent boy. Graciela Suárez Díaz. Advanced Level. Year

Maurice Sendak dies at 83

The American writer and illustrator Maurice Sendak , has died today, May 8 2012. Well known for his book Where the wild things are , he was born in Brooklyn, New York, in June 10 1928. He developed a like for books from a very early age and the fact that his childhood was clearly marked by the horrible consequences that his family suffered due to the Holocaust, made his feeling of morality grow stronger and stronger. He was influenced by Walt Disney and he claimed more than once that it was watching Fantasia what made him become an illustrator of children's books. Photo from Providence Public Library

Struldbruggs and Benjamin Buttton

The name struldbrugg is given to those humans in the nation of Luggnagg who are born seemingly normal, but are in fact immortal. However, although they do not die, they do nonetheless continue aging. Benjamin Button was a man who is born with the physical appearance of an eighty-year-old man and as the years pass he rejuvenates. If I have to compare both I only find one thing in common: the loneliness of both characters, because in several chapters of theirs life they felt alone.                                 In the case of Benjamin Button when he should be playing in the park or going to school he was like an old man, and when he should be living without working, enjoying his grandchildren he was like a child ,so he never interacted with the people of his age. He lived in a permanent asynchrony with the rest of humans.                                           In the case of the Struldbruggs they didn’t belong to the same family so, although they could live happily with

Accuracy: Books vs. Films

THE GODFATHER According to the novel which it is based on, the most accurate film I´ve ever watched is “The Godfather”. Everything on it is exactly as the writer tells us in the book. All the story follows the plot, more or less. It begins showing us the powerful Corleone´s family, with all its members. During the film we can know all of them: how they are and how they act depending on their different personalities, the problems they have, their own thoughts and disputes. The plot is very close, and it tells us the events that happen with all kind of details: the murders, the kidnappings, the dangerous environment of the city or the conflicts into the family. I think that recreating the violent atmosphere where everything happens and they have to live and take decissions makes the film really accurate. The actors are great and they look exactly like the writer describes them throughout the book. We can highlight Marlon Brando´s character because when somebody hears about “

Library meat (Inspiration from The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore)

“You cannot leave us. We possess your name.” “Please... It's been such a long time since I left my home.” The guardian saw the shelves hanging over her like a mountain that was about to crush her. The thick volumes threatened her with their weight. The thin sharp pocket volumes seemed anxious to jump over her. “ W e have your name, guardian. Whithout it you cannot go back to the world. Nobody will name you and you will not exist.” The guardian sobbed. There was a time when she existed.  She looked down at her red shoes and perfect matching skirt. She had always wanted to have shoes like those, but now she knew that there were no more than shackles around her ankles. She exchanged her name for this aspect. Now she was as she had always liked, but nobody would ever see her. “ Words are power, guardian. We have your name. You will not exist out of here.” The guard took a deep gasped breath and rose a tearful gaze. “ What if I bring you another name? I can bring you som