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Remember our challenge?
Here we have the most voted version and the other two shortlisted.
Thank you very much to all the students who have made all the effort into such a difficult task.

 The heroic city was couched in midday slumber. South wind, hot and sluggish, was smoothly blowing whitish clouds which seemed to be dissipating when rushing northwards.
On the streets of the town the only thing heard  was a strident rustle of swirling whirls of dust, rags, straw and papers which were moving from brook to brook, from corner to corner, from one side of the street to another,  flitting and chasing each other like butterflies that flock together and fly away being carried by invisible airflows.                                                                                                                                 
   Mila, 1st year Advanced Level                                                                                                                                                                                                
 The heroic city was having a nap. The warm and lazy southerly wind was pushing the whitish clouds which were torn when they run towards the north. In the streets there was no noise, only the shrill murmur from the whirls of dust, rags, straws and papers, which went from stream to stream, from sidewalk to sidewalk.      
  Estefanía, 1st year Advanced Level                                                                                                                                                                

 The city had fallen into a deep sleep that evening. The clouds were pushed and torn by a warm and lazy south wind. The silence on the streets was broken by the shrill sound of dust whirls, rags, straw and paper, which were fidging from brook to brook, curb to curb and corner to corner like butterlies flying around and which are wrapped by the air in its folds invisible.                                 
  Paco, 1st year Advanced level                                                                                                                                                            


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Gulliver in Lilliput

This is a Multiple Choice exercise for students reading the full version of Gulliver's Travels . We start with the first of four,  A Voyage to Lilliput . Read the questions and choose the best option.Then write a comment to your teacher about how you have enjoyed the exercise, that part of the book or whatever opinion you´d like to share with us. Gulliver in Lilliput on PhotoPeach


This is a new challenge for all of us. We are translating into English a short extract taken from an outstanding novel of Spanish literature. We'll be aware of the difficulties that a translator has to face when doing such a task. We'll be able to share our experience with our classmates and see how many different points of view there are and how different a book can be depending on who the translator is. I hope you'll enjoy it; I'm sure I will.   La heroica ciudad dormía la siesta. El viento sur, caliente y perezoso,empujaba las nubes blanquecinas que se rasgaban al correr hacia el norte. En las calles no había más ruido que el rumor estridente de los remolinos de polvo, trapos, pajas y papeles, que iban de arroyo en arroyo, de acera en acera, de esquina en esquina, revolando y persiguiéndose, como mariposas que se buscan y huyen y que el aire envuelve en sus pliegues invisibles.                           ...