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Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2012

Jonathan Swift Brightens up Gulliver's Travels Press Conference

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A Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms

Gulliver´s Travels by Jonathan Swift

Is it a fantastic adventure book? Or should we call it a highly original satire on human nature? The classic novel Gulliver´s Travels is claimed to be one of the best attacks against the vanity and hypocrisy of contemporary courts. First published in 1726, it tells the story of a surgeon (Lemuel Gulliver) who is rabidly interested in travelling, although it is that love for travelling that brings his downfall. The book has four parts; each of them describes a long Gulliver´s journey. Along the first part Gulliver ships to the South Seas, but the boat is reached by a violent storm. After fighting against the sea violence, Gulliver loses his entire crew and finds himself in an odd place which is inhabited by tiny people less than 6 inches tall. The island is named Lilliput. The Lilliputians are obviously afraid; however, after giving assurances of his good behaviour, he becomes a favourite among people. The idyll is broken when Gulliver refuses to reduce the island nation of Blef

A Voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Glubbdubdrib, and Luggnagg

A Voyage to Brobdingnag

A voyage to Lilliput

Gulliver’s Travels review

Gulliver’s Travels is a satiric novel written by the Irish Jonathan Swift and was first published in 1726 without mentioning the author’s name. Although it has been mainly considered as a children’s book, it is actually a scathing attack on society and human condition, but obviously disguised as a travel’s book around picturesque countries, which was a common genre at that time. The story is narrated by the main character, whose name, ‘Gulliver’, only appears in the title. After a brief summary about Gulliver’s life, the plot develops his experiences in four parts, one for each of the fantastic countries he accidentally visits. The first one happens after a shipwreck, when he wakes up on a beach in Lilliput, fastened to the ground by the natives, who are no more than 15 cm tall and called him Man-Mountain. Not only doesn’t he make harm to inhabitants, but he helps the Emperor to win a battle against their enemies in the island of Blefuscu and he also saves the Emperor’s Pala

Gulliver's Travels, by Graciela Suárez

Graciela Suárez. Advanced level. Year 2



This is a new challenge for all of us. We are translating into English a short extract taken from an outstanding novel of Spanish literature. We'll be aware of the difficulties that a translator has to face when doing such a task. We'll be able to share our experience with our classmates and see how many different points of view there are and how different a book can be depending on who the translator is. I hope you'll enjoy it; I'm sure I will.   La heroica ciudad dormía la siesta. El viento sur, caliente y perezoso,empujaba las nubes blanquecinas que se rasgaban al correr hacia el norte. En las calles no había más ruido que el rumor estridente de los remolinos de polvo, trapos, pajas y papeles, que iban de arroyo en arroyo, de acera en acera, de esquina en esquina, revolando y persiguiéndose, como mariposas que se buscan y huyen y que el aire envuelve en sus pliegues invisibles.                           La Regenta (Leopoldo Alas Clarín)                    

Gulliver's Travels review

Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift is the second term book recommended  at my Language school, so I have worked on it over the last two months. As a brief introduction Gulliver travel’s is presented as a simple traveler’s narrative book. It’s both a satire on human nature and a parody which offers a clear caricature of colonialisms and its working against what is conventionally known in Swift’s period (18 th Century). The novel shows us an educated and trained surgeon, Lemuel Gulliver. He speaks to readers retelling his experiences and adventures at sea. Gulliver’s adventures are divided into four parts. Each journey is preceded by a storm and in all four voyages new perspectives are brought to Gulliver’s life and opportunities for satirizing England. The first part is situated in Liliput where he finds himself in the company of thousands of miniature people called Lilliputians. Gulliver is huge and the Lilliputians are small. Although the Lilliputians seem friendly, you soon s

Becas de aprendizaje y perfeccionamiento de inglés

EF Education First España   convoca 50 becas para el  aprendizaje o perfeccionamiento del inglés  durante el año 2012. Se concederán tres becas totales para un curso de inglés en  Toronto de 6 meses  de duración. Las 47 restantes serán  47 becas parciales  de 10%, 20% y 30% del valor del curso de  11, 9 ó 6 meses  en Oxford, Brighton, Dublín, Boston y Santa Bárbara. Tanto la beca total como las parciales cubren el  coste académico  o parte de éste y  el alojamiento en familia  anfitriona, desayuno y cena de lunes a viernes y fines de semana pensión completa. El vuelo, gastos extras y cualquier modalidad de alojamiento diferente al descrito no están contemplados en las becas. Los  requisitos  son: Tener  entre   16 y 24 años y residencia española. Rellenar el formulario en . Después de inscribirse, los interesados deberán elaborar un ensayo con un mínimo de 200 palabras sobre el tema “Cómo un Año o Semestre en el Extranjero cambiará mi vida”.

Questions about Gulliver, by Mercedes Martín

1.- What was Gulliver recommended to do by Mr. Bates? After studying in Leyden, Holland, Gulliver returned to England, where his master, Mr. Bates recommended him to be surgeon to the ship Swallow. And he continued making voyages into the Levant during three years and a half. When he went back, he resolved to settle in London; to which his master encouraged him. Bates also recommended him to several patients. He took part of a small house in the old Jewy. And being advised to marry, he did so to Mrs. Mary Burton. Nevertheless after two years his master died, and his business starts to fail. Therefore he determined to go to the sea, was surgeon successively in two ships, and made several voyages for six years. During the travels he read many books, and when he was ashore he observed dispositions of the people, as well as he learned their languages. 2.- Could you find the exact date when Gulliver took shipping in the Downs? The 20 th day of June1702, two months after Gullive

Gulliver in Lilliput

This is a Multiple Choice exercise for students reading the full version of Gulliver's Travels . We start with the first of four,  A Voyage to Lilliput . Read the questions and choose the best option.Then write a comment to your teacher about how you have enjoyed the exercise, that part of the book or whatever opinion you´d like to share with us. Gulliver in Lilliput on PhotoPeach

Have you got a smartphone? Use it to read Gulliver's Travels

Answer the QRQuestions below, let's see if your smartphones can face the challenge! QRQuestion 1  QRQuestion 2 QRQuestion 3 QRQuestion 4 QRQuestion 5 QRQuestion 6 Extra QRHelp