This is a new challenge for all of us. We are translating into English a short extract taken from an outstanding novel of Spanish literature. We'll be aware of the difficulties that a translator has to face when doing such a task. We'll be able to share our experience with our classmates and see how many different points of view there are and how different a book can be depending on who the translator is. I hope you'll enjoy it; I'm sure I will. La heroica ciudad dormía la siesta. El viento sur, caliente y perezoso,empujaba las nubes blanquecinas que se rasgaban al correr hacia el norte. En las calles no había más ruido que el rumor estridente de los remolinos de polvo, trapos, pajas y papeles, que iban de arroyo en arroyo, de acera en acera, de esquina en esquina, revolando y persiguiéndose, como mariposas que se buscan y huyen y que el aire envuelve en sus pliegues invisibles. ...
Awesome, guys, just awesome!
ResponderEliminarI'm totally lost for words!
Thanks ever so much!
Excellent performers,Rocío and Nacho!Very well done.
ResponderEliminarThank you very much for your contribution to our blog.We are aware these activities we ask from you are really time consuming, but we can tell you it's well worth the effort!
it was a pleasure... and a incredible experience!!