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This is a new challenge for all of us.
We are translating into English a short extract taken from an outstanding novel of Spanish literature. We'll be aware of the difficulties that a translator has to face when doing such a task. We'll be able to share our experience with our classmates and see how many different points of view there are and how different a book can be depending on who the translator is.
I hope you'll enjoy it; I'm sure I will.  

La heroica ciudad dormía la siesta. El viento sur, caliente y perezoso,empujaba las nubes blanquecinas que se rasgaban al correr hacia el norte. En las calles no había más ruido que el rumor estridente de los remolinos de polvo, trapos, pajas y papeles, que iban de arroyo en arroyo, de acera en acera, de esquina en esquina, revolando y persiguiéndose, como mariposas que se buscan y huyen y que el aire envuelve en sus pliegues invisibles.
                          La Regenta (Leopoldo Alas Clarín)                                                                                                               


  1. The heroic city was sleepy. The south wind, hot and lazy, pushed the white clouds, torn when run to the north. There was no noise in the streets, only the strident rumour of the whirls, rags, straws and papers, going from a stream to other, from a sidewalk to other, from a corner to other, flying around and following each others, like butterflies looking for each others and fly away and the air cover them in its invisible pleats.

    Alberto Suárez García

  2. paloma garcia oliver16 de marzo de 2012, 18:40

    The heroic city had an afternoon nap. The hot ,lazy south wind pushed the white clouds
    which tore themselves when they run towards the north .In the streets there was no more
    Noise than the strident rumor of the swirl , cloths ,straws and papers, which went from stream to another stream, from sidewalk to sidewalk, from corner to corner, flying and persuing as butterflies which look for and run away and the air wraps in its invisible fold

  3. The heroic city was having a siesta. The south wind, hot and lazy, was pushing the whitish clouds which were tearing while running towards the north. In the street there wasn’t more noise than the shrill murmur of swirling dust, rags, straws and paper, which were from stream to stream, from pavement to pavement, from corner to corner, fluttering and chasing, like butterflies looking for each other and running away, and the air surrounds in its invisible folds.

  4. The city had fallen into the deep sleep that evening. The clouds were pushed and torn by a warm and lazy south. The silence on the streets was broken by the shrill sound of the dust devils, rags, straw and paper, which was fidging from brock to brock, curb to curb and corner to corner like buterflies flying around and which are wrapped by the air in its folds invisible.
    By Paco

  5. The heroic city was having an afternoon nap. The lazy, hot and South wind was pushing the whitish clouds who were torn towards the North. In the streets there was not much noise but the raucous low sound of the whirlwinds of dust, rags and straws. They were going from gutter to gutter, from pavement to pavement, from corner to corner, flying and persecuting each other as butterflies which are looked for and run away and that the draught wraps in his creases.

  6. The heroic town was sleeping a snooze. The Southern wind, mild and lazy, was pushing the whity clouds that ripped up running to the North. There were no more noise in the streets that the raucous rumour of the whirlwinds of dust, rags , straws and papers that were going from creek to creek, from pavement to pavement, from corner to corner, flutering and running ones after the others like butterflies that seek and scape between themselves and that the wind wraps in its invisible pleats.

    José Ramón

  7. The heroic city was lost in midday slumber. The South wind, hot and sluggish, was smoothly blowing whitish clouds which seemed to be dissipating rushing northwards.
    In the streets of the town was only heard a strident rustle of swirling whirlwinds of dust, rags, straws and papers, which were moving around from brook to brook, from corner to corner, from one side of the street to another, flitting and chasing each other like butterflies that flock together and flying away being carried by invisible airflows.


  8. The heroic city was having a nap. The hot and ifle south wind was moving the whitish clouds which were being torn while they ran towards the north. It was no other noise in the streets but the strident murmur of eddies of dust, rags, straws and papers which were moving side by side, corner to corner through the street, which were flying and pursuing each other like butterflies which look for themselves and run away, whom the air surround by its invisibles folds.

  9. The heroic city was taking a nap. The south wind, warm and lazy, pushed the white clouds that tore running toward the north. On the streets, there wasn’t any noise except the shrill murmur of the swirls of dust, rags, straws and papers going from stream to stream, from sidewalk to sidewalk, from curb to curb, from corner to corner, fluttering and chasing like butterflies that seek themselves and run away, while they are wrapped by the invisible folds of the air.


  10. " The city was in calm, the heroes were having a nap. The torn whitish clouds ran to the north pushed by the warm and slothful south wind. On the streets the only sound was the shrill of swirling dust, rags, straws and paper on their way from stream to stream, pavement to pavement, corner to corner; fluttering and chasing one another, like butterflies which are looking for each other and fleing, while the wind is enveloping them in its invisible folds"

  11. The heroic town was taking a nap.The south, warm and the slothful wind was blowing the whitish clouds that were tearing while ran to the north. In the streets there was no more noise than the loud rumor the whirl of dust, rags, straws and wrappers which were moving from a gutter to another gutter, from a from a pavement to another pavement, from a corner to another corner, flying around and following one another as if they were butterflies that both are searching for and fleeing from each other and which wrap the air with their invisible folds.

  12. The heroic city was taking a nap. The south, hot and lazy wind pushed the whitish clouds, which tore walking to the north.
    In the street there was no noise, only dust devils, straws and paper which were walking from stream to stream, from sidewalk to sidewalk and from corner to corner flying and pursuing like butterflies looking for each other and fleeing. The air wraps in their invisible folds.

  13. The heroic city was having a nap. The Southern wind warm and smooth pushed the whitish clouds which broke up while they run on thier way to the North. In the streets it only sound the shrilling whisper of the swirls of dust, rags, straw and papers on their way from stream to stream, from pavement to pavement, from street corner to street corner swarmming and chasing one another like butterflies while they looked for each other and run away but the air envelop in it invisible folds.


  14. The heroic city was having a nap. The warm and lazy southerly wind was pushing the whitish clouds which were torn when they run towards the north. In the streets there was no noise, only the shrill murmur from the whirls of dust, rags, straws and papers, which went from stream to stream, from sidewalk to sidewalk, from corner to corner, fluttering and chasing themselves, like butterflies that look for themselves and flee, and were surrounded by the air in their invisible folds.

    Estefanía Díaz

    1. The heroic city was sleeping a nap. The south, warm and lazy wind was pushing the whitish clouds which were running towards the north. On the streets there was no sound except the shrill sound of the whirl dust, clothes, straws and papers which were going from stream to stream, from sidewalk to sidewalk, from corner to corner, reflying and persuing like butterflies that are looking for and fleeing and the air wrapped in its invisible wings.

  15. The heroic town was taking a nap.The south wind,hot and lazy,pushed the whitish clouds that ripped up running towards the north.On the streets there wasnt any noise,only the loud rumour of the dust whirlwind,rags,straws and papers,which were going from stream to stream,from pavement to pavement,from corner to corner,fluttering and pursuing themselves,like butterflies which are looking for and fleing each other while the air wrapped them in their visible folds.


  16. The heroic city slept the nap.The wind South which was hot and lazy pushed the whitish clouds which riped when it ran to the North. In the streets there was not more noise than the strident murmur of the swirls of dust,rags,strawes and pieces of paper which went from stream to stream from pavement to pavement from corner to corner flying about and following like butterflies which look for and went out and that the air wraped up in their invisibles folds.
    Asunción Lombardía


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