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Gulliver in Brobdingnag

Second voyage for Gulliver,quite different from the first one. Once more, do the exercise and make a comment for your teacher on this new chapter.



  1. After fleeing Lillput, Gulliver found himself in Brobdingnag - the utopic country filled with enourmous criatures, who were phisically ugly, but morally beautiful. Gulliver was captured by one of the giants and taken to his home, where he was treated like an amusing pet. After a number of unpleasant adventures, Gulliver was bought by the royal family of Brobdingnag and taken to the Court where he was leaving like a reasonable toy.
    Especially I have liked the scene where Gulliver describes to the King of Brobdingnug all about English society, history, culture, political games, social inequities, cruel civil wars, reflecting in most cases the verminious morality of his contemporaries. Finally, the Brobdingnagian King became furious about humans´ greed, proud and vice, making a remark that our world was "the most pernicious race of litle odious vermin that nature ever suffered to crawl upon the surface of the Earth". I think he was right in this, it was true at that time and it is true now. Thus since Swift had written these words hoping to change mankind, revealing all humans misfortunes and blindness, but as we can see now nothing has changed at all, people still are the same like they were in Swift´s time.


  2. I didn’t enjoy this second part of “Gulliver’s travels” for the same reasons I wrote about the first one. However, I laughed a lot with the queen’s dwarf and his attempts of killing Gulliver. He reminded me to the typical elder brother who is jealous with a new brother born.

    Isaac Cernuda

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. I've also enjoyed this part of the book very much. I think that the Voyage to Brobdingnag is even more amusing than the Voyage to Lilliput. I think that in this country Gulliver had suffered more than in Lilliput, but I've had a great time reading his crazy adventures. I found especially funny when the farmer's baby got Gulliver's head on his mouth or when the little prince let him drop into a bowl of cream. And also when the author describes how he sailed while the ladies gave him a gale with their fans. I have to say that I found a bit boring the part where Gulliver and the Emperor talk to each other about culture, laws and military affairs of their countries. But, in the end, the story turns to be exciting again when Gulliver tells how he could escape from that country.

  5. I'm glad to hear that you've enjoyed the stories.
    Thank you very much, Marina for your contribution.I hope you'll enjoy the rest of the book.

  6. I enjoyed more the first story, but in this second travel to Brobdingnag we can also find interesting things. Both of them show us a similar situation, in the way that Gulliver is “the different” in an unknown place. He feels like that, specially when everybody want to see him, and they even pay to see him. People who is in charge of him try to get money showing him to other people who pay for it. Obviously, he doesn´t like this situation because he feels like somebody is taking advantage of him.
    Nowadays, this is a common situation in real life: people who arrive to some unknown place, and other people use them in their own interest. Nobody cares if you agree or not, and it can be really difficult to know what to do or how to look for some help to fix the situation.

    Alberto Suárez García

    1. Thank you very much,Alberto.
      I hope you'll also enjoy the rest of the travels!!!

  7. The second of Gulliver's travels is converted in an adventure story. J. Swift wrote a childish story full of clichés. Kindly giants and wicked dwarfs into a world full of danger which the fight for survival is the main goal for the smallest inhabitant of Brobdingnag in.
    It would be a revolutionary idea in those days but it's far from today. I think particularly, the story fades in this trip. And the social criticism almost disappears.

  8. Thank you, Paco.
    I hope you'll keep on reading the rest of the story with the same interest.

  9. In the second voyage to Brobdingnag,SWIFT,I think that he tries to explain us the importance of the money,the jealousies and you envy them.
    FIRSTLY the farmer seemed a gentle and pleasant person,Gulliver was being suited as another relative,but,as soon as the farmer saw a real chance of trading,from that moment, the farmer only wanted to make as much money as possible from gulliver,he was already a puppet.
    One funny point in this chapter ,was for example the insistence of the qeen·s dwarf,he was jealous,because Gulliver was now the first actor and the dwarf tried to kill him many times.
    SWIFT may be trying give us a little comparison about the different social classes,on the one hand the upper classes(giants) and for other one the less classes (the dwarfs).
    There is a suajili quote that say:
    when the elephants fight is the grass that suffer.

  10. In the second voyage Swift makes a social and economic chronic and tries to show us an image about how humans defects can be the reason of a political failure.

    Absolutely I enjoyed reading this voyage, but maybe I have to read it again becuase it´s too dificult for me to understand it very well.

    1. Thank very much, Nacho.
      I know it's taken you a lot of effort to read it, but I imagine it's been worthy reading it if you have enjoyed it.

  11. I think that after had read the first and the second part of that book, it´s interesting to compare the way Gulliver felt with lilliputians, who quickly provide him with all he needs, and the way he felt with people in Brobdingnag, that firstly used him to make money...

    1. Thank you for trying, Amanda.It's a great effort on your side, I know.


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