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The Curious case of Benjamin Button and The Swimmer

The swimmer
Isaac Cernuda Rubio 1NA

What is your interpretation of the short story “The Swimmer”?
In my opinion, Ned Merrill (the swimmer), is a man that has a lot of problems. Probably, he is an alcoholic, and because of this he has lost his home and daughters.
On the other hand, I have read on the Internet that John Cheever wanted to make a critic of the “American way of life”, but, to be honest, I didn’t realize it when I read the story.
Say which of the two short stories we have read in this book you’ve liked more and why.
I’ve liked “The curious case of Benjamin Button” more because it’s less abstract than “The swimmer”. Although it’s a sad story, I’ve liked it because it’s about an original and interesting topic.


  1. Yolanda Gonzalez Valle31 de enero de 2012, 10:04

    There are a wide range of opinions and all of them fit with the story. However I agree with Isaac in the following point: I didn´t know the Author wanted to make a critic about the Amereican way of life.
    Despite I had to read the book twice to form my own opinion about the story, I´m afraid I did´n undestand the real meaning of the story.

  2. I like all the comments and I agree with most of them, above all with Isaac´s; Ned is likely to have problems as a consequence of alcohol. And the same as Stefania does, I think that the relationship with his neighbours is a very hypocritical one.
    As the majority of my class mates I prefer Benjamin Button´s story. In my opinion it is an easier book to read and the tale is more engaging.


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