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Chapter Twelve: reading comprehension activities for intermediate (2nd year) and advanced students

Read chapter twelve and answer these questions:
  1. What is Rule Forty-Two?
  2. When had Alice upset a globe of goldfish?
  3. How many miles high did the Queen say Alice was?
  4. What did the King say to the jury in a low, trembling voice?
  5. What did the Queen throw at the Lizard?
How to answer the comprehension questions: just click on  and answer online. Do not forget to let us know who you are.


    1. "All persons more than a mile high to leave the court"
    2. The week before
    3. Nearly two miles high
    4. "Consider your verdict"
    5. An inkstand

  2. ELENA RODRÍGUEZ -1ºNA18 de marzo de 2011, 18:57

    1.- ‘All persons more than a mile high to leave the court.’
    2.-She had accidentally upset it the week before.
    3.-‘Nearly two miles high’
    4.-‘Consider your verdict’
    5.-She furiously threw an inkstand.

  3. 1. This rule is: "All persons more than a mile high to leave tho court."
    2. She had upset it the week before.
    3. She said she was neraly two miles high.
    4. He said: "Consider your veredict."
    5. She threw an inkstand at it.


  4. 1. What is Rule Forty-Two?
    2. When had Alice upset a globe of goldfish?
    3. How many miles high did the Queen say Alice was?
    4. What did the King say to the jury in a low, trembling voice?
    5. What did the Queen throw at the Lizard?

  5. 1. All persons more than a mile hight to leave the court.
    2. The week before.
    3. Nearly two miles high.
    4. "Consider your verdict".
    5. An inkstand.

  6. Verónica Peláez Baniela 2ºNI

    1-"All persons more than a mile hight to leave the court".
    2-She had upset a globe of goldfish the week before.
    3-The Queen said that Alice was nearly two miles high.
    4-"Consider your verdict", he said.
    5-She threw an inkstand at the Lizard.

  7. 1. The rule forty-two was: “All persons more than a mile high to leave tho court."
    2. Alice had upset a globe of goldfish a week ago.
    3. She said Alice was almost two miles high.
    4. He says them to consider their veredict.
    5. She threw an inkstand at the Lizard.


  8. Graciela Suárez (1ºNA)21 de marzo de 2011, 11:23

    1."All persons more than a mile high to leave the court."
    2.The week before.
    3.She said she was nearly two miles high.
    4.He said them to consider their verdict.
    5.An inkstand.

  9. 1.-"All persons more than a mile high to leave the court".
    2.-"The week before".
    3.-"She said she was a nearly two miles high".
    4.-"Consider their veredict"
    5.-"She threw an inkstand at the Lizard".

  10. Alberto Suárez García. 2º Int.

    1. All persons more than a mile high to leave the court.
    2. The week before.
    3. Nearly two miles high.
    4. Consider your veredict.
    5. An inkstand.


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