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Chapter Eleven: reading comprehension activities for intermediate (2nd year) and advanced students

Read chapter eleven and answer these comprehension questions:
  1. Who was standing in front of the King and Queen in chains?
  2. How did Alice know the King was the judge?
  3. How many jurors were there?
  4. What did one of the jurors have that squeaked?
  5. Who was the first witness?
How to answer the comprehension questions: just click on  and answer online. Do not forget to let us know who you are.


    1. The Knave
    2. Because of his great wig
    3. Twelve
    4. A pencil
    5. The Hatter

  2. ELENA RODRÍGUEZ -1ºNA18 de marzo de 2011, 18:55

    1.- The Knave was standing in front of them.
    2.- Because of his great wig.
    3.- There were twelve jurors.
    4.- He had a pencil that squeaked.
    5.- The hatter was the first witness.

  3. 1. The Knave was.
    2. She knew it beacuse he wore the crown over a wig.
    3. there were twelve.
    4. One of them had a pencil that squeaked.
    5. The Hatter was.


  4. 1. Who was standing in front of the King and Queen in chains?
    2. How did Alice know the King was the judge?
    3. How many jurors were there?
    4. What did one of the jurors have that squeaked?
    5. Who was the first witness?

  5. 1. The knave.
    2. Because he was wearing the wig.
    3. There were twelve jurors: Some of them were animals and the others were birds.
    4. A pencil.
    5. The first witness was the hatter.

  6. Verónica Peláez Baniela 2ºNI

    1-The Knave.
    2-Alice knew it because of the great wig.
    3-There were twelve jurors.
    4-He had a pencil that squeaked.
    5-The first witness was the Hatter.

  7. 1. The Knave was there.
    2. She knew because of hs great wig.
    3. There were twelve jurors.
    4. He had a pencil that squeaked.
    5. The hatter was the first witness.


  8. Graciela Suárez (1ºNA)21 de marzo de 2011, 11:15

    1.The Knave.
    2.Because if his great wig.
    3.There were twelve jurors.
    4.A pencil.
    5.The hatter was the first witness.

  9. Alberto Suárez García. 2º Int.

    1. The Knave.
    2. Because of his great wig.
    3. Twelve.
    4. A pencil.
    5. The Hatter.


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