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Alice in Wonderland, de Liliana García. Inglés. Segundo Nivel Avanzado

This is a very famous book, which belongs to fantastic literature, very well – known for its originality and distinctiveness and – for that reason – it has attracted the attention of both children and adults since its publication.

It describes the adventures of a girl – Alice - in a chaotic and magical world called Wonderland.

The story begins when a very bored Alice listens to her sister´s reading in the garden.
Suddenly, her attention is drawn to a white rabbit that is crossing the garden not only dressed but watching the time on a clock. She decides to follow and pursue him through a hole in the ground. Thus begins a very long fall that gives the child time to think and remember many things.

When the fall is over, the girl is in a strange room surrounded by small doors that cannot be openned. Since that moment, her experiences will have nothing to do with logic and common sense.

Alicia has reached an absurd world where she will change her size frequently, after eating magic food, to the point of swimming in her own tears.

She will also meet animals and fantastic creatures with which she will be able to communicate and talk, she will have tea with strange characters or lull babies who become pigs. She will even play cricket with flamingos as bats under the watchful eye of a card-shaped queen that decides to cut the head of his lackeys for whatever reason that comes to her mind.

This is a puzzling book, bold for its time and very different to the usual concept of fantasy.
It is a recommended reading for its notoriety and celebrity.

However, I have never liked it because the author uses surrealism as a continuous resource and, even not finding unpleasant its unpredictability , I can´t help hating its caos.

It reminds me of whimsical dreams, and that probably reflects its excellence because history proves Alice has lived a dream and she wakes up when the leaves of a tree fall on her face while she is laying in her peaceful garden.


  1. Don´t you think that the Charles Lutwidge Dodgson´s condition of maths teacher at Oxford University was critical for the success of Alice´s story?

  2. ELENA RODRÍGUEZ -1ºNA26 de marzo de 2011, 21:51

    In spite of personal likes and dislikes, I believe that the unpredictable characters’ behavior and surrealistic events have brought success to the novel, as these are the clues that make it different.

  3. Thank you very much, Liliana, for your review!


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