How much do you know about the man who wrote Alice in Wonderland?
Show us by doing the following quiz:
- What was Carroll's real name?
- What were his vocations?
- What disorders did Carroll suffer from?
- What was Carroll's hobby?
- What game did Carroll base his sequel, 'Through The Looking-Glass' on?
- Who was the first illustrator of the 'Alice books'?
- Who never illustrated Carroll's works?
- Which country did Carroll visit?
- True or false: Carroll named Alice for a real person.
- When did Carroll first tell his Alice story? (Full date)
- What was the event where Carroll first told the story?
How to answer the questions: just click on
and answer online. Do not forget to let us know who you are.
Carroll´s real name was CHARLES LUTWIDGE DODGSON.
ResponderEliminarVicky (1A)
6. The first illustrator of "Alice" books was SIR JOHN TENNIEL.
ResponderEliminarVicky (1A)
10. Fourth of July, 1862.
ResponderEliminarVicky (1A)
9. TRUE: Alice Liddell.
ResponderEliminarVicky (1A)
ResponderEliminarVicky (1A)
Thanks, Vicky, when the quiz is finished, that is on 6 March, the answer key will be published!
ResponderEliminar1. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
2. Mathematician and Anglican Deacon
3. Stammering, partial deafness and epilepsy
4. Photography
5. It's based on a chess game
6. Lewis Carroll illustrated the first handwritten copy of Alice story.
7. W. W. Denslow
8. He visited Russia in 1867
9. False. Lewis Carroll denied that his heroine was based on a real child.
10. 4 July 1862
11. It was on a boating trip down the Thames with Rev. Robinson Duckworth and the Liddell sisters, Lorina, Alice and Edith.
Thanks, Marina, the correct answers will be published on 7 March.
ResponderEliminar1. What was Carroll's real name?
ResponderEliminarCharles Lutwidge Dodgson
2. What were his vocations?
He was deacon and math teacher at Oxford. Although he was Anglican deacon but he never became priest.
3. What disorders did Carroll suffer from?
Stammering, epilepsy, partial deafness and ADHD.
He was some episodes of migraine with aura and he may have suffered from temporal lobe epilepsy. What is certain is that he suffered from stuttering.
4. What was Carroll's hobby?
The photography
5. What game did Carroll base his sequel, 'Through The Looking-Glass' on?
This book is based on a game of chess, played on a giant chessboard with fields for squares.
6. Who was the first illustrator of the 'Alice' books?
The first book's illustrations were made by Sir John Tenniel but the original manuscript was illustrated by Dodgson (Lewis Carrol) himself.
7. Who never illustrated Carroll's works?
I’m sure that there was a lot of the illustrators never illustrated Carroll’s works, mainly everyone who died before that the book was written. But de correct answer is William Wallace Denslow, well known illustrator of the time who illustrated 'The Wizard of Oz'.
8. Which country did Carroll visit?
Russia in 1867
9. True or false: Carroll named Alice for a real person.
Dodgson himself repeatedly denied in later life that his "little heroine" was based on any real child.
10. When did Carroll first tell his Alice story? (Full date)
July 4, 1862, during a boat trip to Godstow , he improvised the story of Alice to Liddell's sisters.
11. What was the event where Carroll first told the story?
During a boat trip on the Thames to Godstow, he improvised the story of Alice to Liddell's sisters.
Olaya Alonso Juarros 2ºintermedio
ResponderEliminar1.Charles Letwidge Dodgson
2.Tutor in mathematics and deacon(obligated)
3.Epilepsy, partial deafness and stammering.
4. Photography
5. Chess
6. Lewis Carroll was the fist illustrator.
7. Denslow never did it
8. Carroll visited Russia
9. He first told the story to Alice and her two sisters but he didn't put the name because of her(it's false)
10. 4th July 1862
11. It was one summer day on a boating trip with Reverend RObinson Duckworth Alice and her two sisters when Carroll first told the story
ResponderEliminar1. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
2. Author, mathematician, logician, Anglican deacon and photographer.
3. He suffered from a stammer. As a young child he suffered a fever that left him deaf in one ear. At seventeen he suffered a severe attack of whooping cough which caused him cronical weak chest. He experienced episodes of migraine. Although he was said to suffer from epilepsy, there is not enough evidence of that fact.
4. Photography
5. Chess
6. The very first illustrator of "Alice" was Lewis Carroll himself who illustrated his original handwritten manuscript.
7. Although famous illustrators at the time, like Denslow or Shepard have never illustrated Lewis Carroll's works, I think the answer is Edward Lear, author and illustrator, because Carroll and Lear are both related with the same genre of literary Nonsense.
8. Russia
9. False. He was widely assumed to have derived his own "Alice" from Alice Liddell but Dodgson himself repeatedly denied that his "little heroine" was based on any real child.
10. On July 4, 1862
11. That day Dodgson and his friend Robinson Duckworth, rowed the three Liddell children, Alice, Lorina and Edith, up the Thames from Oxford to Godstow. On this trip Doudgson passed the time by telling the children a nonsense tale.
Verónica Peláez Baniela 2ºA
ResponderEliminar1- Carroll´s real name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
2- His main vocations were mathematics, literature, logic, and his work as a Anglican deacon.
3- He suffered migraine, partial deafness in his left ear, stammering and chronically weak chest because of a severe attack of whooping cough when he was teenager.
4- Carroll´s hobby was Photography.
5- His sequel is based on chess.
6- He illustrated the first manuscript, but illustrations of first book were made by John Tenniel.
7- William Wallace Denslow.
8- He visited Rusia in 1867.
9- False. He always denied based on the protagonist in a real person.
10- Lewis Carroll first told on July 4, 1862.
11- The event where Carroll first told the story was a trip down the River Thames, in the company of Henry Liddell´s daughters and the
Reverend Robinson Duckworth.
David fernandez marques.
ResponderEliminar1-Carroll's real name was CHARLES LUTWIDGE DOGSON,Lewis carroll was the pseudonym.
2-Mathematician,logician,anglican deacon and writer.
3-He suffered migraine,deafness in one ear,and he also suffered a severe attack of whooping cough,when he was adult suffered from stammer.
5-It is based on chess.
6-The first ilustrator of Alices book was hinself in the manuscript,later in the rale book was a specialist like JOHN TENNIEL.
7-WILLIAN WALLACE DESLOW,is known for ilustrating "THE WIZARD OF OZ".
8-Russia in 1867 only two months.
9-False,he always denied this issue,but personally I have some doubts.
10-Fourth of july 1862,while americans celebrated independence day.
11-It was on a boating trip down the river Thames with Robinson Duckworth and the liddel sisters,Lorina,Alice and Edith,was mainly on the banks of the thames river in a sort of picnic.
2. What were his vocations? He was mathematician and deacon
ResponderEliminar3. What disorders did Carroll suffer from? He suffered stammering, epilepsy, partial deafness and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
4. What was Carroll's hobby? His hobby was portrait photography
7. Who never illustrated Carroll's works? W. W. Denslow; he is best known for illustrating “The Wizard of Oz”
8. Which country did Carroll visit? He visited Russia
11. What was the event where Carroll first told the story? It was on a boating trip, a picnic on the Isis branch of the Thames with the Liddells that Carroll first told the story of Alice
Vicky (1A)
1. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
ResponderEliminar2.He was deacon an math teacher at Oxford.
3.Stammering,epilepsy,partial deafness and ADHD.
6.Lewis Carroll
7.W.W. Denslow
10.July 4th, 1862
11.It was on a boating picnic
Julia Garrido Medina
1. What was Carroll's real name?
ResponderEliminarCharles Lutwidge Dodgson.
2. What were his vocations?
Deacon, math teacher.
3. What disorders did Carroll suffer from?
Partial deafness, stammering, epilepsy, Attention – Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
4. What was Carroll's hobby?
5. What game did Carroll base his sequel, 'Through The Looking-Glass' on?
6. Who was the first illustrator of the 'Alice books'?
Lewis Carroll.
7. Who never illustrated Carroll's works?
W.W. Denslow.
8. Which country did Carroll visit?
9. True or false: Carroll named Alice for a real person.
True. He named Alice for Alice Pleasance Liddell.
10. When did Carroll first tell his Alice story? (Full date)
4th of July, 1862.
11. What was the event where Carroll first told the story?
On a boating picnic.
Thanks, Liliana, the correct answers will come out on 7 March!
ResponderEliminar1. His real name was charles lutwidge dogson. Lewis Carrol was a pseudonym.
2.the reading (in his parent`s house there were a extensive collection of books that he began to read when he was seven), the craft of conjuring, mathematics and logic.
3.He was stutterer (which affected his social skills) and he suffered deaffness in his right ear. On the other hand, it is said that he had a epilectic disorder but it is questionable.
4. The photography (he was a brilliant photographer but a part of his work is not preservated because it was destroyed by himself)
6.although in the first manuscript the illustrations were drawn by himself, the first edition of book was illustrated by Jonh Tenniel
8.Russia is true, there was a real alice, Alice Liddell and we can Know her through carroll´s pictures
10.4th of July, 1862
11. During a boat trip in the Thames with Alice Lidell and her sisters
1-Charles Lutwidge Dodgson.
ResponderEliminar2-His main vocations were Maths and he was an Anglican deacon.
3-The disorders were a partial deafness in his left ear, migraine, stammering and temporal epilepsy.
4-The Carroll’s hobby was photography.
5-It was based on chess.
6-The first book´s illustrations were made by John Tenniel although Carroll illustrated the first manuscript.
7-Carroll’s works had never been illustrated by William Wallace Denslow (who illustrated “The Wizard of Oz”)
8- He visited Russia in 1867.
9-(False). Carroll always denied it although many people though he was based on a real child (Alice Pleasance Liddell).
10-It was on 4th July, 1862.
11-The event where Carroll first told the story was on a boat trip on the Thames with Henry Liddell sister´s and other friends.
1. His real name is Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
ResponderEliminar2. Deacon and mathematician
3. He suffered stammering, epilepsy, partial deafness and ADHD
4. It was photography
5. It is based on a game of chess
6. Lewis Carroll waas the first illustrator of his own book.
7. William Wallace Denslow never illustrated his books
8. He visited Russia
9. Although it is believed that the character was inspired on Alice Liddell, he said it was false, the character wasn’t inspired on her.
10. He wrote on his diary he had created the plot on July 4th, 1862.
11. He was on a boating trip on the river Thames.
ResponderEliminar1º His real name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson.
2º He was a mathematical lecturer and a clergyman.
3º He was handicapped by a stammer.
4º Carroll’s favorite hobby was photography, especially children photography.
5º ‘Through the Looking-Glass’ is based on a game of chess.
6º Although the original manuscript was illustrated by Lewis Carroll, the tale was first published with illustrations by John Tenniel.
7º Lewis Carroll never illustrated his own works and always used professional illustrators to provide pictures for his books.
8º He went on a tour to Russia with Henry Liddon in 1867.
9º It’s true: Carroll named “Alice” for a real person, she was one of the three eldest daughters of the Dean of Christ Church.
10º On 4 July 1862.
11º It was during a boat trip ‘up the river to Godstown” when Lewis Carroll first told the story of ‘Alice’s Adventures underground ‘. He was accompanied by the three daughters of the Dean of Christ Church (Lorina, Alice and Edith) and The Rev. Robinson Duckworth. After that, Alice urged Lewis to write out the story for her.
1. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson.
ResponderEliminar2. Deacon and mathematician.
3. Stammering, epilepsy, partial deafness and ADHD.
4. Photography.
5. On the chess.
6. Lewis Carroll.
8. Russia.
9. False.
10.July 4th, 1862.
11.On a boating trip.
Jose Suárez dijo:
ResponderEliminar1- Charles Lutwidge Dodgson was the real name.
2- His vocations were mathematician, logician, deacon and photographer.
3- Partial deafness, migraine and epilepsy.
4- Photography.
5- It was based on a game of chess.
6- The first book's illustrations were made by Sir John Tenniel although Carroll illustrated the first manuscript.
7- I think the answer is W.W. Denslow.
8- He visited Russia in 1867.
9- False.
10- On 4 July 1862,
11- On a rowing expedition with the Liddell children, Dodgson invented the outline of the story that eventually became his first and largest commercial success.
Alberto Suárez García. 2º Int.
ResponderEliminar1. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson.
2. He was a mathematician and anglican deacon.
3. He suffered from stammering, epilectic fits, right ear deafness and arthritis.
4. Photography.
5. It was based on chess.
6. Lewis Carroll himself was the illustrator of his first handwritten, "Alice´s Adventures Under Ground", but John Tenniel illustrated the first edition of "Alice´s Adventures in Wonderland".
7. W.W. Denslow never illustrated his works.
8. He visited Russia.
9. It is said that the main character of the story is inspired by Alice Liddell, but Lewis Carroll always refused it.
10. On 4th of July, 1862.
11. It was during a Thames´ row with his friend Robinson Duckworth and the three Liddell sisters.