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Ganadora del concurso de relatos navideños 2012. Departamento de Inglés. Nivel Intermedio


Blue Nose, Burned Tail and Spicy had ran under Baltimore Street, rolled under Casper Avenue and they were crossing under Nobody's Monument when they found Small Teeth

Where are you going?”
You know, the best day of the month, our holidays at the Palace of Comfort.
Oh, brother, the House of Desperation, you mean. You know what's happening, don´t you?” asked Small Teeth. “They're leaving”.
You're joking, aren't you? They love this house. She was painting walls, cleaning glasses, polishing floors, building bridges...”
Stop it, stop it, stop it Spicy or we'll end up climbing mountains and crossing valleys”, said
Blue Nose.

They were shocked, the Palace of Comfort was such a good place that all the rats in town had their own turn to visit it and spend a few days of rest. Delicious home-made cheese, Asturian sausages... a paradise. The little girl who loves cheese sandwiches and always leaves scraps all over the house... a dream come true. All of them had a lot of good memories about this family; a couple with two daughters and ALL ALLERGIC TO CATS!
I know, I know, -went on talking Small Teeth- this week was my own turn. When I got there they were carrying the furniture out, all of them crying, it breaks your heart. They called it eviction , it's something about the banks”.
But what the hell are those BANKS?” Cried up Spicy.” They are everywhere you look around.”
I don´t know what the bank bussiness is, it´s not a food bussines anyway, so I've never paid attention to them”.
It seems it´s a “throwingpeopleouthome” bussiness.”
    Well, boys, I'm leaving”, Small Teeth said.” Don´t cry, now this is Christmas, it means lots of food all over the town”.

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way” a couple and two children walk in silence along the lit streets “oh what fun it is to ride”, get up the stairs and open the door for the last time”in a one horse open sleigh YEAH”.

    What´s hanging up there over the Iberian ham?” She asked
    Iberian ham? Hallutinations of hunger”, he thought. What will it be next?.
    It´s a banner!! “The girls screamed. “WE LOVE YOU. KEEP FIGHTING UNTIL THE LAST BEAT”
The owner of “The flower of ham” was walking along the silent streets in the fresh morning without knowing that one ham less was hanging from the ceiling of his warehouse, while three cheerful rats enjoyed the Christmas w76tr6ygtdxair.
You've been fabulous tonight, Burned Tail. I've never seen a somersault like that
in my whole life”
Oh, that was nothing, . Your secret access to Harrod's grocery , that was a real good trick!
Well, there is a lot of watchmen and so, but they have the best of the better in town”, said Blue Nose.
Not bad, not bad ,but who wrote the banner?”
Oh, that was Ratstoiewski's touch, perhaps you know him, Spicy. He lives in a library, and eats a lot of books.
My mother always told me, reading is the best food for the spirit”
Your mother was a wise rat, Spicy”

Rosa Calvo Iglesias. 2º NI-A


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