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A quiz about Lewis Carroll

How much do you know about the man who wrote Alice in Wonderland ? Show us by doing the following quiz: What was Carroll's real name?  What were his vocations? What disorders did Carroll suffer from? What was Carroll's hobby? What game did Carroll base his sequel, 'Through The Looking-Glass' on? Who was the first illustrator of the 'Alice books'? Who never illustrated Carroll's works? Which country did Carroll visit? True or false: Carroll named Alice for a real person. When did Carroll first tell his Alice story? (Full date) What was the event where Carroll first told the story? How to answer the questions : just click on  and answer online. Do not forget to let us know who you are.


This is a new challenge for all of us. We are translating into English a short extract taken from an outstanding novel of Spanish literature. We'll be aware of the difficulties that a translator has to face when doing such a task. We'll be able to share our experience with our classmates and see how many different points of view there are and how different a book can be depending on who the translator is. I hope you'll enjoy it; I'm sure I will.   La heroica ciudad dormía la siesta. El viento sur, caliente y perezoso,empujaba las nubes blanquecinas que se rasgaban al correr hacia el norte. En las calles no había más ruido que el rumor estridente de los remolinos de polvo, trapos, pajas y papeles, que iban de arroyo en arroyo, de acera en acera, de esquina en esquina, revolando y persiguiéndose, como mariposas que se buscan y huyen y que el aire envuelve en sus pliegues invisibles.                           ...