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A Wall of Books

23 April is World Book and Copyright Day.  You are invited to celebrate the day filling this digital bookshelf with your contributions. On the wall, please pin your favourite book and why you like it ; the book of your lifetime, make reading confessions, publish your reader's self-portrait and so forth.  Please describe your pins.  You could pin any book or title, a favourite from childhood, a current book or something you’ve read and enjoyed.  Instructions to join ' A Wall of Books ' at Pinterest : - Sign up at and log in. - Accept the invitation to join the board and collaborate: - You are ready to pin! Thanks for contributing to create an international wall of books! Happy World Book and Copyright Day! Enjoy and Read!!!
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Favourite characters from Wonder

23 April is World Book and CopyRight Day but at our A1 ESL classroom in Luarca , Asturias, Spain, we have already started the celebrations! April is our Book Month and, to celebrate its beginning, we have gathered and described our favourite characters from Wonder , after having been reading the book for several months now. Here you are the collection of descriptions and reasons why we must all #choosekind :

Evento final Experimentación "Educación en Gobierno Abierto"

 El 25 de marzo de 2019 ponemos un punto y seguido en la experimentación didáctica en materia de Educación en Gobierno Abierto en la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Luarca , Asturias, centro piloto de la iniciativa conjunta "Experimenta EduGobAbierto" de los Ministerios de Función Pública y Política Territorial y de Educación y Formación Profesional del Gobierno de España. Y lo hacemos participando en este evento final, que se emite en directo a través de un conocido servicio de streaming , y en el que presentamos una cronología visual de la experimentación del año académico 2018/2019. Cronología en Imágenes de Experimentación en Educación en Gobierno Abierto – 2018/2019 from Mª Jesús García San Martín Lo más importante de la participación en este evento en directo es el protagonismo de mi alumnado, que son los que resumen, en una frase, lo que ha significado para ellos participar en la experiencia, dando respuesta a la pregunta: " ¿Qué es para ti ...


 On March 6-7 2019, we are celebrating  Empathy   at the School Library, EOI Luarca, after having been reading  Wonder . The celebration of Empathy is divided into several steps, which we are overcoming all together, in coordinated teams, so as to foster coexistence ! First , we are having a big group discussion about August's feelings and thoughts. Secondly , we are feeling what August is feeling when having his helmet on! Thirdly , we are designing costumes, storyboarding a scene and performing it in front of our peers. Finally, we are filling in our WONDER Wall with #choosekind postcards for August! Here you are the support slideshow for the session at the library: Besides, you need these materials, which you may also pick up on the Empathy Days , from the library, if you'd rather do so: - Storyboard template - Printable postcard for August Come and join us in March. Let's celebrate Empathy together! ...

I Concurso de Fotografía Gobierno Abierto - Delegación del Gobierno en Asturias

La Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Luarca participa en el  I Concurso de Fotografía Gobierno Abierto - Delegación del Gobierno en Asturias , como parte de las actividades de la Semana de la Administración Abierta , y en base a la experimentación en centros en materia de Educación en Gobierno Abierto de la que formamos parte desde noviembre de 2018 hasta marzo de 2019. Te animamos a que saques tu móvil del bolsillo y participes haciendo una o dos fotografías a edificios, infraestructuras o instalaciones que alberguen Servicios de la Administración del Estado en la Comunidad Autónoma del Principado de Asturias. El plazo para participar en el concurso se abre el 15 de febrero y se cierra el 6 de marzo de 2019. Los ganadores recibirán un Diploma de Delegación del Gobierno y un obsequio simbólico. Los premios serán entregados la semana del 11 al 15 de marzo de 2019, bien en Delegación del Gobierno en Oviedo, bien en los propios Centros de los ganadores. ¡Consulta las...

A report card on Education systems

This learning mission is part of the Spanish nationwide initiative on Education on Open Government run by the Spanish Ministries of Education and Public Administrations, for which I have been appointed to take part with my students, in an experimental didactic classroom programme. The learning mission is divided in various steps: Step 1 . Students are asked to read the following factsheets, listed above, on different education systems and to investigate: - UK education system - American education system - Spanish education system Step 2 . Then, they are requested to collect the most relevant facts, the differences, the simillarities, the advantages and the disadvantages. It is very much appreciated that they include their personal opinion about the three systems, and that they focus closely on the role that EEOOII play in them. Step 3 . Finally they are asked to design a report card , which is their support when delivering their speaking mission and explaining about the...

Love is in the library

Pics of the day: Thanks for coming!