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Reading and cooking

All along the first term of this 2018/2019 school year, my ESL students have been reading different books.

My A1 ESL bunch chose their own basic abridged books back in October, read them thoroughly and recommended their readings to each other in an amazing book club discussion.

Besides, they have been inspired by their first term reading in order to go into the kitchen and cook some tasty Christmas food, which then they have brought to school and signed up for the traditional Christmas recipe contest that the school has been holding for 25 years now.

This way we are combining mediation, reading, speaking and writing language activites, with fun and enjoyable learning.

Here you are their awesome outcomes, which we hope you find inspiring too!:

On the other hand, my C1 ESL students have concentrated on reading a single book for the first term: 'The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society', and so have contributed to the digital collaborative educational project on media literacy that the Spanish 'Cero en Conducta' professional network foster.

They have been working on the film trailer and searching for potential and alike film locations; gathering for a book club meetup and have finally gone into cooking sustainable dishes, inspired by the famous potato peel pie.

Here you are their outstanding outcomes, which have also been savoured by their school peers at the traditional 25-year-old Christmas cookery school contest:

And, last but not least, my sincere congratulations to one of those C1 ESL students for winning the school contest, but without forgetting and acknowledging the great effort the two bunches of ESL students have made in order to accomplish this learning mission which mingles digital and language skills.


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Jornada del Libro en EOI Luarca

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Hergé el padre de Tintin

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