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Storm of swords

After having seen the first and second seasons of the TV series “A Song of Ice and Fire”, which was recommended to me by my friend Javier, I could not wait until the next season and I decided to buy “A storm of swords”, which is the third book in a series of seven written by the New Jersey writer George R.R. Martin (sometimes referred to as GRRM).
I was very intrigued by the story and I was anxious to know what would happen with the main characters in the series.
The book picks the story up slightly before the end of its predecessor, “A Clash of Kings.”
The situation at the beginning of the book is the following: the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros are still in the War of the Five Kings, with the remaining kings (Robb Stark, Balon Greyjoy, Joffrey Baratheon, and Stannis Baratheon) fighting to secure their crowns.
Civil war is destroying the common people. The ruling House of Baratheon and the major houses of Westeros include the following: House Arryn of The Vale, House Baratheon of Storm's End, House Greyjoy of the Iron Islands, House Lannister of Casterly Rock, House Martell of Dorne, House Stark of Winterfell, House Tully of Riverrun, and House Tyrell of Highgarden.
Stannis Baratheon's attempt to take King's Landing has been defeated by the new alliance between House Lannister (backing King Joffrey) and House Tyrell.
House Martell has also pledged its support to the Lannisters through the forces of Dorne.
Meanwhile, a large host of wildlings are marching toward the Wall under Mance Rayder, the "King Beyond the Wall", with only the small force of the Night's Watch in its path; and in the distant east, Daenerys Targaryen is on her way back to Pentos, hoping to raise forces to retake the Iron Throne.
My Spanish edition of the book is 1.160 pages long and the English paperback version is split into two books.
Even though I do not like reading novels, this book captivated me and I read it in less than a month, because the plot is absolutely fantastic, at least, in my opinion.
By Orlando. C1


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