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Happy New Year

Now,we are all excited waiting for The Three Wise Men.
Fortunately, in this season, nothing changes all along the years, as Marina stated .

Marina Gavilán Miranda
2nd Intermediate.

Everyone has something to say about Christmas.

 Now, I remember when I was a child. I was the whole year waiting for Christmas time. When it was approaching, I used to feel very excited. On the 24th and 25th December, a very big family dinner used to be celebrated at home with my grand-parents, my uncles and aunts, cousins and also pets; there was no room in the house for so many people, it was really amazing, and the home was completely decorated. I really used to love those days.
Later, on the 6th January, my parents, my brothers and I, used to go to the parade that took place in the centre of the town. It was really lovely, and the children used to look at the gifts wondering which one would be theirs. Then, Christmas time ended, and I was only waiting for the next year’s.
Now, fifty years later, I'm watching how my grandchildren celebrate Christmas as I used to. They are sitting around the big tree, singing carols and their happy grandmother looks at them near the window. Through it I can see the snow fall to the ground, and slowly, all becomes whiter and whiter.
It is incredible how quickly time passes in front of our eyes, and how things will always be the same.


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