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Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days

Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Dog Days, is the fourth international bestseller of the series Diary of a Wimpy Kid written by Jeff Kinney.
Firstly I have chosen this book because I read the second book, Rodrick Rules, last year, when I was told to read it at this language school.
A funny story set in modern-day American society, it immediately became an international bestseller for youngsters.

In this book tells the story of Greg, a young boy who spends all the summer in his city, with his family and Rowley, his best friend.
The way he likes to spend his summer holiday is in front of the TV, playing video games with the curtains closed and the lights turned off but his mother’s idea of the perfect summer holiday is totally different so she organizes many activities for Greg.

Talking about the context, Greg´s adventures are set in a small American city during his school summer holidays, and the book finishes the last day of his summer holidays.

As regards the plot, since Greg’s mum says it is not“natural” for a kid to stay indoors when it’s sunny out, she organizes some activities: at first, she keeps trying to get him to do something outside, such as going to the pool, and Greg spends the first part of the summer at his friend Rowley’s pool because he belongs to a country club, but at the end this adventure didn’t work out so well, and Greg has to go to the town pool with his family.
Greg does many activities during his school summer holiday such as trying to make his own company to solve his debts with Rowley’s dad, for instance.
The strong point of the book is the moment when Greg meets his pet, Sweety, but in a few hours the dog is driving him crazy.
Finally he goes with Rowley’s family to a week beach trip where Greg gets to ride the Cranium Shaker so he could call himself a man.

In this book the same main characters from the first books reappear, Rowley and the wimpy kid, Greg, who are eleven years old and he writes on his diary the teenager feelings and points of view of some “dog days”.
Another important character is Greg’s mum, too worried about her family.
Greg’s best friend is Rowley although they argue very often.

Not only is this a complex and funny novel, but it also tackles the real problems of a child in a modern society written in a diary.
The best part of the book is the few days when the protagonist is really happy when he gets his dog although he soon has second thoughts, since it is too hard to have a pet.

All in all, the Diary of a Wimpy is a book to spend a few  entertaining days while Greg gives you some guffaws.



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